Results of the ADRIATinn Innovation Weekend - ADRinno 2015

The event was attended by over 70 participants from all the participating countries in the ADRIATInn project. Eighteen groups presented their business ideas and worked on their improvement over the weekend. On the basis of the final presentations and responses to questions from the judges, the judging panel selected the best three groups. The scores of the winning groups are available here.

The winning groups are:

1. Place: VitalShock (On the run): Damjan Markovič, Luka Filipan, Filip Stojanac, Croatia, mentor Danijel Volčič, Slovenia
2. Place: Magic touch board: Davor Marković, Croatia, mentor Mario Citelli, Italy
3. Place: 3D Halo presenter: Dalibor Nikolić in Marko Živanović, Serbia, mentor Rino Scoppio, Itlay
The participants in the ADRInno 2015

The winning group
The second prize group
The third prize group

About ADRIATinn Innovation Weekends - ADRinno

ADRIATinn project is organizing a series of ADRIATinn Innovation Weekends, ADRInno, with aim to improve the cooperation among research institutes and SMEs and to enable universities to become an integral part of the innovation supply chain to business.

ADRInno 2015 | The Global ADRIATinn Innovation Weekend

The final Global ADRIATinn Innovation Weekend, ADRInno 2015, is organized by the University of Primorska and will be held between 8th and 10th October in Debeli Rtič, Slovenia.
The ADRInno 2015 Innovation Weekend is organized to promote entrepreneurship, collaboration and creativity among SMEs, students, researchers, freelancers, and everybody who have interest in entrepreneurship.
The ADRInno 2015 will have international participants from 8 countries - partners of the ADRIATinn project.


Organizers & Venue